I have to confess to being a bit of a bicycle book fan. No great surprise there. Here’s some thoughts on some of the best i’ve read, frame building related or not.
Frame building books
The Paterek Manual for Frame building – simply the bible. There’s also a set of DVDs to go with it. All very helpful.
Chimonas Lugged Frame Building – a great shed build book. Sensible help and ideas for lugged frames.
Atomic Zombie’s Bicycle Builders Bonanza – great attitude of fun builds. There a whole website and community of building nutty bikes
Chimonas Forks building – goes well with the frame book. If you’re going to build some forks it’s worth reading.
Coffee table books
Great background and insights behind some of the most interesting companies in the UK bike trade. A great inspirational read.
I can’t get enough of this type of thing. Like Made in England, good reading and info on the bike building scene.
Not just the write up of a bicycle exhibition but an insight into a number of the worlds best frame builders and great pictures of some of their builds.
More custom bike builder info. Lovely coffee table book, but more than that – inspirational stuff of some of the worlds best.
All sorts of bike crazy – fantastic book full of ideas and goings on.
Glad to see the sequel is as good as the original. More cool and crazy bike stuff.